Your Life Your Story - RISE UP

Beauty From Ashes: Transforming Wounds into Wisdom and Purpose

Jill O'Boyle Season 3 Episode 80

What if the very thing you thought disqualified you was actually the thing that made you stand out?

In this powerful episode Jill sits down with her guest, Danette Burzlaff-Haag to explore how life's deepest wounds can become a source of beauty and strength. Danette shares her inspiring journey of surviving a childhood burn injury, navigating self-worth, and ultimately stepping into her identity as God's masterpiece — scars and all.

If you've ever wrestled with self-doubt or wondered how to embrace your own story, this episode will encourage you to rise up, shift your mindset, and see yourself through the eyes of the One who created you.

Key Takeaways:
✨ Behind every scar is a story of survival, strength, and transformation 
✨ Healing is a lifelong journey, not a destination.
✨ Mindset shifts are the foundation for self-love and confidence.
✨ Sharing your story has the power to inspire others.

Listen now and discover how beauty can rise from the ashes.

Learn More about Danette Burzlaff-Haag

Beauty From Ashes:  Transforming Wounds into Wisdom; Scars into Stars 

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Jill O'Boyle (00:02.512)
All right. Well, hello, friends, and welcome back to another episode of Your Life, Your Story, Rise Up. I'm your host, Jill O'Boyle. And, you know, if you are new to this podcast, I am so excited that you are here. I realize that you have many podcasts to choose from. And the fact that you have landed here today and are listening to this podcast, it's just a super encouraging for me. And I just so appreciate you. And I love that you're here today because there's going to be a powerful story and you're going to want to stick around.

And if you've been following the show for quite some time, I just, again, thank you. I love that you constantly follow and it shows to me that you truly do wanna rise up in your life. You look at faith as a guiding principle in your life and so thank you for continuously showing up.

So for today, I have some questions for you to consider. And that is, what if the very thing you thought disqualified you was actually the thing that made you stand out? And what if your greatest pain could become the platform for your greatest impact? Well, today our guest, Danette, knows the answer to all these questions because she's experienced it firsthand.

So after surviving a severe burn injury as a young girl, she spent years struggling to see herself beyond her scars. But through faith and resilience and unshakable mindset, she not only transformed her own life, but she made history. As the very first severely scarred woman to win a state beauty pageant title, Miss Colorado 2021.

So everybody, she's just living proof that our deepest wounds really don't have to define us at all, that they can actually refine us. And so if you've ever just felt held back by your own insecurities, your doubts or your past experiences, like I am so happy that you are here because this conversation that I have a feeling is gonna truly move you like it did when I first heard it. And so get ready to just be inspired, challenged and reminded that no matter

Danette Haag (01:58.382)

Jill O'Boyle (02:08.28)
what you've been through, beauty can rise from the ashes. So let's rise up right now and dive in and just welcome the net. Thank you so much for being here with me today.

Danette Haag (02:21.31)
Jill, that was a beautiful introduction. Thank you so much. Yeah, it's so great to be here.

Jill O'Boyle (02:25.88)
Yes, I always love the connections that God continues to bring in our life. And I know we talked a little bit about that when we met and I was like, I use that phrase all the time. Like it's time to rise up from the ashes. And a lot of times it's in, you know, the burnout mentality. And I'm like, this is a story so aligned because you are, you literally have risen up from the ashes and we're going to get into that powerful story here in a minute.

So I just know, I just know when we met, was like, this is, I want you on the show and you have just a powerful testimony, a powerful story that I think the audience is really going to resonate with. So take us back, take us back. shared a little bit of what, of very, very small part of what happened, but take us back and just share a little bit about you, the young girl and what happened.

Danette Haag (03:16.558)
So I grew up on a I'm a farm girl at heart grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere, Iowa actually was somewhere very special to me still is today and I I Well in since I could remember I wanted to be on the Miss America stage So I was I lived on a pig farm, but I was all about the glamour and the glitz even though I didn't own much myself I was so drawn to it right watching it on TV every year

Jill O'Boyle (03:26.024)

Danette Haag (03:46.158)
But we were having a 4-H meeting at our house. It was May 11, 1981. the end of the meeting, so there was 27 people in the house at the time because of the meeting. And a lot of them were girls ages about 10 to 13. I was 10 at the time. And we were all in the kitchen. We were eating frozen fruit cups, like every detail I remember, right?

Jill O'Boyle (03:46.174)

Jill O'Boyle (04:02.834)

Danette Haag (04:13.014)
And we had learned how to make cinnamon rolls and they were in the oven and that's all we could smell was that amazing aroma of baking cinnamon. Well, my dad was in the basement. My little brother, Danny, was down there too. But my dad was in the basement trying to get the furnace to work. It wasn't functioning right or whatever. And what was happening, and we didn't even have an idea, was there was a faulty valve in our new furnace. And so it was releasing all the LP.

Jill O'Boyle (04:20.807)

Jill O'Boyle (04:41.928)

Danette Haag (04:43.532)
And the company, the LP company also didn't put in the odor for whatever reason. So our basement was filling up with LP fumes. My dad was standing down there and couldn't smell it. We couldn't smell it. That's all we could smell was this amazing cinnamon baking, right? And then my mom...

there was enough, when there was enough fuel that had filled the basement, my mom had turned on the water to make coffee and that was enough to ignite all those fumes. And this huge ball of flame erupted and just followed the fumes and engulfed everything in its path.

Jill O'Boyle (05:13.97)

Danette Haag (05:20.63)
And it came up. So my brother and my dad were in the basement. it obviously engulfed them. then my, or I was sitting at the end of the kitchen table right next to the basement steps. So literally it was our fate really landed wherever we were at in that one very instant in time. And it's so interesting. I think about, you know, like, why didn't God have me like pee at that moment? And I could have been in the bathroom or run upstairs and got something out of my room to show my my friends or something, right?

Jill O'Boyle (05:46.704)

Danette Haag (05:50.496)
But nope, I was at the end of the basement steps, end of the kitchen table right next to the basement steps. So that ferocious ball of flame, which sounded like a freight train in one instant, like there was a train coming at us, it was so loud and we didn't even have time to react and it just hit us. And then it kind of went up towards the ceiling, so because there wasn't as much fuel to keep it going, but it blasted into the kitchen. So all of us in the kitchen had some extent of injury.

Jill O'Boyle (05:55.954)

Danette Haag (06:18.474)
my dad and my brother and I were the worst of all 27. I suffered third degree burns to about 70 % of my body, nearly 70. So that's seven zero. was, I remember everything from that night. You know, trauma is so crazy. That stuff just sticks with you. Right. And, I spent about three months in burn center.

Jill O'Boyle (06:35.42)


Danette Haag (06:45.998)
I had a fight for my life, so I was in a coma for about a week. But I'm here. I'm here.

Jill O'Boyle (06:48.36)

Jill O'Boyle (06:53.168)
Yeah, you're here and by the grace of God and and we're going to get into that. But I remember when we were talking before that God almost gave you a vision of this, right? If I remember right. So can you talk a little bit about that too?

Danette Haag (07:10.094)
And you know, it's funny. I what I know today is that God speaks to us 24 7 if we're listening And and I think no one is exempt from this I think everyone has this Communication happening around them and whether they're in tune or not is or whether they're just blow it off Is up to them? So when I was 10, it was about a week or two or so. I remember it vividly. I know it wasn't

Jill O'Boyle (07:16.166)
Yes, yes. Right. If we're listening and then we can turn down the noise.

Jill O'Boyle (07:31.246)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Danette Haag (07:39.862)
too long before the fire and I was just out on our front yard and heard

It was more like a moment. So the winter had been long. This was spring. The spring had been cold and it was finally like this warm. I remember just enjoying the sun because it had been so long since I could. And I'm from a big family and so second youngest of seven kids on this farm. And so any time I could find a space to myself, I often did like, let me out, let me out. And so I just remember finding this space.

Jill O'Boyle (07:57.243)

Jill O'Boyle (08:11.176)

Danette Haag (08:17.712)
sitting beneath these two oak trees we had in our front yard. And the thing is, like every part of my sensation was heightened. Like I heard every bird in the tree. I could feel even the lightest of breeze. Like everything became so audible and so almost tangible.

Jill O'Boyle (08:37.8)

Danette Haag (08:40.49)
all the sounds around me, all the smells, I could smell the soil waking up from the winter, those kind of things. And what I heard very clearly, so there had been a fire, two fires, not recently in that time, close to us. And I, for some reason, been really thinking about that. And God spoke to me so clear. He's like, it's your turn to have a fire.

Jill O'Boyle (08:47.675)

Danette Haag (09:09.342)
And I wasn't scared, which was miraculous. And I just took that time to pray that somehow everything was going to be okay. And you know, and even though I knew that was very real, I was so afraid to tell anybody because talking about God visions or God experiences, even though we lived literally like a 10th of a mile from our country church, we walked to church every day or every Sunday, we were

Jill O'Boyle (09:13.404)

Jill O'Boyle (09:18.31)
Yeah. Yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (09:25.062)

Jill O'Boyle (09:28.924)
Right, the judgment.

Jill O'Boyle (09:36.06)

Danette Haag (09:37.398)
involved in everything. Church was very much the center of our lives, thank goodness. For me, that was a lifesaver. But the whole kind of spiritual side of that and the day-to-day stuff was a little muddy. And I literally thought my older siblings were going to totally make fun of me if I said anything, right? And it was so beautiful. didn't want to doubt it. And so I just held onto it.

Jill O'Boyle (09:42.074)
Yeah. Yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (09:55.045)
Yeah, yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (10:00.72)
Yeah, yeah. And I think that's okay, right? Because I think there are times where God will speak to us and if, and sometimes he gives us crazy things. Like, I mean, that would, would sound fearful in that moment, but sometimes it's, you got to trust in that. And I almost wonder if it's what gave you the peace through the, through walking after it happened. and maybe you can share on that. If like that

that just forewarning almost gave you the piece that he told me about this and yet I am going to be okay. It may not be easy in this painful, very, very painful, can only imagine the amount of just recovery from that. But maybe there was a sense of peace that all of this is going to work out.

Danette Haag (10:50.35)
I think it was cumulative. Really, that part was twofold at first because my human mind took over even at 10 and I thought if I would have said something, maybe I could have stopped this.

Jill O'Boyle (10:56.808)

Jill O'Boyle (11:01.999)

Danette Haag (11:02.818)
Knowing there's no way I could have people wouldn't believe me. Nothing would have gone differently plus so much time had passed that it wasn't like it happened the next instant or the next day that when we have those God moments, sometimes it just fades a little bit like it stays within us, but it's not in the forefront right of our minds. And so by the time the fire happened, it just

Jill O'Boyle (11:16.89)
Mm. Mm-hmm.

Danette Haag (11:25.536)
It didn't, I couldn't remember it right away until I had come out of my coma and I was in the hospital. And then I had some guilt that I actually struggled with because my human brain, right, was overthinking like I should have said something. However, what I believe today is that God knows and understands my personality, because he created me, that I do better if I'm prepared.

Jill O'Boyle (11:34.6)
Right. Sure. Yes.

Jill O'Boyle (11:46.832)


Danette Haag (11:49.9)
I'm not a huge surprise person. don't do super well. I'm a nurse, but don't put me in the ER because I don't do super well in emergency kind of situations. It's just, I know I like to be prepared. and I know.

Jill O'Boyle (11:53.734)
I love that.

Jill O'Boyle (11:57.714)

Jill O'Boyle (12:04.864)
I think that is super important to share that because he does know us. And I think that is so key to could have been the forewarning for you.

Danette Haag (12:07.958)
Yeah, right.

Danette Haag (12:14.53)
Right, and to prepare me that it is, hang on to that hope that it is gonna be okay. And I think attitude, I've had lots of guide moments and they really did start in that time, but I had some really great powerful out of body experiences in the hospital, in the pain, in the, like I was drawn from the pain, because it was so much physical pain plus loss and like.

Jill O'Boyle (12:25.478)

Jill O'Boyle (12:32.935)

Danette Haag (12:40.586)
emotional agony with it, because it wasn't just my pain. was, you know, my brother and my sister was injured and my mom was injured and my dad was injured and we lost everything. I was 10 and had not even a teddy bear that was familiar, right? So I had nothing familiar. So there was a lot of loss I had to navigate. But there were some really pivotal moments and I share the details of those in my book, but where God had pulled me from that pain, even for a short time,

Jill O'Boyle (12:42.802)

Jill O'Boyle (12:52.872)

Jill O'Boyle (12:58.726)

Jill O'Boyle (13:07.494)

Danette Haag (13:10.572)
so that I could feel peace again, that peace that passes all understanding that we may not know intimately, but we want to know it intimately. And I experienced that within my deepest, darkest physical moments and emotional moments. So all of those experience combined and more moving forward just kept reinforcing that I'm not alone.

Jill O'Boyle (13:10.6)

Jill O'Boyle (13:15.012)

Jill O'Boyle (13:20.175)

Jill O'Boyle (13:27.835)

Danette Haag (13:36.31)
right, that, it gave me courage to just kind of keep going. And I think the other piece that gave me courage was for my parents and for my brother, because everyone was suffering. And so I got strength from needing to be courageous for them as much as for myself.

Jill O'Boyle (13:36.442)
Yeah, right.

Jill O'Boyle (13:41.074)

Jill O'Boyle (13:46.344)

Jill O'Boyle (13:52.358)

Yeah. Yeah. I was just going to ask you about that. You, and you mentioned that, like, you know, the thing that I love is that you, you haven't been held defined by your scars. And like in those hardest moments, those physical pain and that healing recovery is more about just that physical, right? So I love that you brought that up. Like there was strength, there was courage.

There's healing is encompassing of all emotional, mental and spiritual. so through those years, and I want to talk work, because we're going to eventually you got to a super bold and found some incredible strength, encouraged to step into a beauty pageant. How from navigating from what did you say? 10 years old to then your adult life, that healing journey, what did that look like for you to accept? You know,

that this has happened to you, but it didn't define you.

Danette Haag (14:53.964)
I think you just hit the nail on the head by calling it a journey. And I think that's for anybody, any listener out there, anything you go through, any pain. One of the things I share as a speaker and in my book and all the stuff that I do is scars are scars. We all have them. We all have those things left over from a traumatic moment or an experience, something we had as a child or just a diagnosis or something, right? And finding acceptance.

Jill O'Boyle (14:57.266)

Jill O'Boyle (15:08.54)
Yeah. Yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (15:19.952)
Right. Yeah.

Danette Haag (15:22.802)
And staying in a place of inner mental strength, inner spiritual strength is a constant intentional journey because there's always going to be something else that comes along to try and derail us, right? Little things and big things. It's not like, there was this one day when I finally figured out these three things that helped me forever love and accept myself.

Jill O'Boyle (15:37.532)

Jill O'Boyle (15:45.596)
Ha ha ha!

Danette Haag (15:49.45)
It's a constant, it's knowing who you are, it's knowing what works for you to stay in that place of strength. It's like any other kind of maintenance program, whether it's staying physically healthy or something you need from your professional life, right, to keep you up on the latest things. It's like knowing the maintenance that you need, your spirit needs to stay strong.

Jill O'Boyle (15:49.574)

Jill O'Boyle (15:57.585)

Jill O'Boyle (16:08.06)

Jill O'Boyle (16:14.44)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's so important. And I think especially as a young child, you know, I have two boys, you know, 13 and nine, and I can only imagine some of the pain that you felt as a young kid, just how, I mean, kids are, the good thing about kids is they're curious, right? But they have no filter and they can say the craziest stuff and point out things that could be hurtful. And I'm like,

Danette Haag (16:17.934)

Jill O'Boyle (16:44.136)
And so I can only imagine you growing up and having these scars and comparing there's a and especially as women in general You know, we often compare ourselves What how did you work through that and what in what ways and was it You know, you mentioned growing up in church and did did God and faith just have a have a role in that too

Danette Haag (17:12.224)
Yeah, I mean, it all did. And I think I am so blessed because I had the best role model on this very difficult journey that none of us were prepared for in my father. So and he if I tell him when I tell him those things today, he giggles and he's like, I was just doing what I was trying to do. But he also is is so faith centered and it showed. But his example to me was.

after the fire and we all had surgeries like I had surgeries, reconstructive surgeries that skin graft surgery so they would take more skin on my growing body because scars don't grow with you so children who are severely burned have to have you know I had about 30 some have to have 80 or 90 until they're fully grown like it's a ridiculous amount.

Jill O'Boyle (17:48.272)

Jill O'Boyle (17:58.278)

Danette Haag (18:00.654)
pain and continuously so for a decade I was in and out of hospital all the time adding more pain adding more scars like so the pain just kept getting heavier and heavier and More scars for people to stare at or comment about and navigating the social part of it But having my my dad

as my chosen dad was such a gift for me because he had scars. His face and hands are even more disfigured than mine. And he, as soon as he was able, he got back. Well, he got back to singing in the choir. He got back to volunteering at church and the lion's club. He got back to chores as a farmer. He got back to helping out the neighbor. Like he just got back to work. And even though he didn't often

Jill O'Boyle (18:21.864)

Jill O'Boyle (18:29.134)

Jill O'Boyle (18:46.384)

Danette Haag (18:49.078)
or ever have the words to describe what he was doing or to even know how to encourage my brother and I through our severe scars from what he was learning. He taught us so much by example that it was so valuable. And when school is hard and someone's teasing you and I have to wear this face mask to school or this splint and all these weird crap that you just want to check out, right? And I'm like, it's too much.

Jill O'Boyle (19:00.263)

Jill O'Boyle (19:04.712)

Jill O'Boyle (19:15.206)
Right. Sure.

Danette Haag (19:19.456)
My dad was there doing the same thing and showing us that checking out of life is not an option. We're here, we have purpose, we have right, and we just have to keep going. One of the most pivotal moments that I'll never forget was in the hospital and in our original stay. And my dad was in a room down the hall and I don't know if this happened once or a million times, Jill.

Jill O'Boyle (19:26.6)
So good, so good.


Danette Haag (19:46.998)
But what I do remember is I'm crying myself to sleep at night because I was finally alone and I could let my strength guard down, right? And stop pretending I was okay and sit in this fear and sit in the, in how much I hated my new life and how scared I was as a little girl facing all this stuff. But I remember hearing my dad and he's saying, how great the

Jill O'Boyle (19:55.847)

Jill O'Boyle (20:00.242)


Danette Haag (20:18.654)
in our darkest moments. Like we had lost everything. And under his watch, other kids were suffering in our community. His wife was hurting, his kids were hurting, right? He was singing these praises to God, how great are you? And not because he was grateful for what had happened, but what he knew was it wasn't God punishing us.

Jill O'Boyle (20:18.952)
Wow, in the pain.

Jill O'Boyle (20:33.256)

Danette Haag (20:45.102)
but that God would come to our rescue. God would somehow make good of this tragedy in leaning into his faith. And what an amazing example. Like he didn't know I was listening. wasn't like, oh, Danette's hurting, so I'm gonna sing this song to her. He was in his own pain doing what worked for him, which is worshiping.

Jill O'Boyle (20:45.362)
Yeah. Yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (21:00.666)

Jill O'Boyle (21:05.124)
Mm-hmm. Right.

Danette Haag (21:06.932)
And the other miracle was that he had actually inhaled flame because he was so close to the blast. So for a while he couldn't speak and let alone sing was a miracle in itself in that time. So I hang on to moments like that. Like there's so many pain moments that I could definitely hang on to that are triggering. I have, you know, caused a lot of PTSD that I could live there. That's a choice.

Jill O'Boyle (21:12.893)

Jill O'Boyle (21:18.279)

Jill O'Boyle (21:23.689)
So good.

Jill O'Boyle (21:29.352)
Thank you.

Jill O'Boyle (21:34.084)
Right, right.

Danette Haag (21:34.508)
then I could be the victim and I could be poor me. But what I choose to do, which is our the power of our own mindset is to focus on these moments I had with God showing me how much he loved me, pulling me from the pain to offer me peace, right? And and what a gift I had in my own parents who were able to rise from the ashes so quickly, feeling so much pain of their own and showing me a better way.

Jill O'Boyle (21:41.849)

Jill O'Boyle (21:47.706)
Yeah. Yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (21:55.889)


Jill O'Boyle (22:04.55)

Danette Haag (22:04.608)
and almost not giving me an option to check out, right?

Jill O'Boyle (22:08.056)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, that is that's so good. And what a what an amazing, you know, what an amazing father and role model that even in his pain, right, he was still praising and worshipping God and and and showing up and just the man that he was using his gifts and his talents that even in my darkest moment, I'm not going to let this defeat me.

I am, I can still be useful and I can still go back to and do the same things. And, and I would say I can see why he's a role model to you and a mentor and probably the, also the reason that gave you the strength, right. cause you're watching, you're watching and he's leading by example. And so you're like, well, if he can do this, then why can't, why can't I, right? Yeah.

Danette Haag (22:55.862)
Right. Well, I just felt like that was the only option because that's what lots of my dad does. And that's a mom, you know, this is what we're doing. And that built my grit, right? Because we do need that grit and resilience to get through the day. But it was so tied to a strong faith that I felt like that was this soft cushion. There's a really soft place to land for us together. And then as we navigate the hard stuff, as we.

Jill O'Boyle (23:00.24)
Right. Yep. Yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (23:09.384)

Jill O'Boyle (23:13.628)
Yeah, right.

Jill O'Boyle (23:17.928)
Yeah. Yep. Yeah.


Danette Haag (23:25.816)
figure out more pain, right? And so I think if I had been landed in a different family, I think my life would have been very different. And I think that's just an example of each of us have different gifts around us, right, that we need to focus on. And if it's not like, not everybody has great parents like I had, but who else did God put in your life to show up for you? And that's who you focus on.

Jill O'Boyle (23:27.677)

Jill O'Boyle (23:38.011)

Jill O'Boyle (23:44.679)

Jill O'Boyle (23:50.202)
Right? That's right.

Danette Haag (23:55.382)
that's where you go, that's where your guide is. So mine or my parents, but it could be a grandparent, it could be a neighbor, could be whoever that comes to your rescue through God's guidance.

Jill O'Boyle (23:55.494)
That's right. Yes. Absolutely. Absolutely. Right. Yes. Mm hmm. yeah. Yeah. And he always puts people in your path. he knows, you know, he knows right before the pain or the suffering is going to happen, he already knows and he's going to put those people in there to pull you out of it quicker. If you're, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear that they're around you for a reason.

Danette Haag (24:22.445)

Jill O'Boyle (24:24.622)
So good. Well, let's, let's talk about the courage part and just that finding that strength, and stepping into this boldness of competing in this beauty pageant. am intrigued by this because a beauty pageant, let alone, it's just a very, I would think intimidating place, for many, for many women, as most of us, I don't want to put a blanket statement on women, but I think most of us women, we are always conscious about, you know, how we look, how we compare to others.

Danette Haag (24:34.38)

Danette Haag (24:43.959)
It is.

Jill O'Boyle (24:53.044)
so what led you to kind of take this bold step and make this decision to kind of step into that world. know you mentioned your younger age of being on a farm, but you were always wanting to be in the glitz and the, the fashion style, you know, or whatever words you used before, but, so talk a little bit about that. Yeah.

Danette Haag (25:09.134)
Sparkly and fancy. Well, you know, it's interesting how I do believe that God plants things in us even at a young age for the direction he wants to take us later. And I believe that this culmination, this triumph over my tragedy, this validation of where beauty really comes from and this tool that I get to use today to inspire other people.

That was planted in me so long ago, as long as I could remember, I would always dress up like Miss America or the princess. And I'd have a tie, this hand-me-down gown that was like my aunt's from prom million years earlier, right? Or whatever. And, but I would, I would wear that pink taffeta gown and put on, you know, a toilet paper sash, right? That said, Miss America and make a crown out of tinfoil. Like we had nothing, but I made it something.

Jill O'Boyle (25:52.482)

Jill O'Boyle (26:05.382)
Yeah. Love it.

Danette Haag (26:07.488)
And so I have a ton of pictures of me doing all this crazy pageant stuff when I was little. So I was just very drawn to it and loved watching it on TV and all the things. So it was definitely a dream that was planted in me. And I remembered, like I remember the moment and it was probably, I was probably 12 by then or something where I saw the pageant on TV and it was after my injury, right? And I...

felt that dream again. I was like, look at those gowns and look at the fanfare. And I just got all caught up in the big hair and the makeup and all the things. But it was like almost in the same instant where I felt that excitement that I knew that would never happen for me. And that dream completely shattered because I looked at my scars and I thought, those women on that stage don't even have a zit or a mole you could see, right? Let alone.

Jill O'Boyle (26:49.416)

Jill O'Boyle (26:57.96)

Danette Haag (27:01.88)
covered in scars. And so was that moment that I just had full acceptance that that was never going to happen for me. So fast forward so many years, know, healing was a journey. It still is a constant journey. If you think healing is short term, it isn't. It's just constant. We all need to be in the process of healing our souls, healing our body, figuring out ourselves and what works best for us to keep us strong.

Jill O'Boyle (27:08.936)

Jill O'Boyle (27:20.476)
Right. Right.

Jill O'Boyle (27:27.762)

Jill O'Boyle (27:32.091)

Danette Haag (27:32.504)
So I just intentionally did all of that constantly and started valuing myself. There's about a million stories I could tell about that kept me on that path, right? That kept me going, that kept seeing my value. And my mindset, I learned how to focus on my gifts and how not to let my scars lead the way.

Jill O'Boyle (27:45.468)

Jill O'Boyle (27:59.016)
Very good.

Danette Haag (27:59.372)
I struggled for a long time, right? And leaving the house and I had to start seeing things differently. And I think the piece I had to figure out before I could start competing, before God like showed that dream to me again, was I had to see my own scars differently. I had to see the value in them in order for me to like stand tall proudly within them. And this is such a,

Jill O'Boyle (28:04.552)
So good.

Jill O'Boyle (28:16.647)

Jill O'Boyle (28:26.523)

Danette Haag (28:28.576)
a pot, like even for me, when I think about it, I'm like, I'm so grateful that I had this experience. And I think everyone can use it in whatever life scars are left over in their life, right? Because we all have scars of some kind. And and so I've been stared at every single day in my life since I was 10. I'm 53 now. So that's a lot of decades and a lot of days and a lot of years and a lot of weeks that I've had to find strength to keep going. And for a long time, when someone would stare

Jill O'Boyle (28:38.968)

Jill O'Boyle (28:48.22)

Jill O'Boyle (28:53.692)

Danette Haag (28:57.9)
I would just kind of, my brain would take over to try and protect me. And I would say, they think my scars are nasty. They think I'm offending them by my scars. They think I'm so gross and they're gonna ask me some hard question. And so I would always think the worst, which comes from a place of protection, our brain.

Jill O'Boyle (29:02.268)

Jill O'Boyle (29:13.766)

Danette Haag (29:17.652)
stirs up some of that crap so that we protect ourselves and so on. But what that made me wanted to do was just jet, like to get out of the situation, but that doesn't solve anything, right? But I would feel defeated, and it wasn't serving me. So I did that for a really long time until I had a moment, one of those aha moments where I'm like, okay, they're staring at me. They're not saying anything. I'm just making up what's in their head. So

Jill O'Boyle (29:17.754)
Always. Yep.


Jill O'Boyle (29:24.818)
to hide. Yeah. Right.

Jill O'Boyle (29:42.224)

That's right.

Danette Haag (29:46.718)
I have that power. So I started making up some good crap instead of some, right? Instead of the negative stuff. So, you know, I started off going, I'm having a really good hair day today. It does not happen all the time. And so I would celebrate in that like, she's checking out my hair or where did I get my blouse or, you know, man, I've been working out and I look really good in my jeans. I don't know. Whatever I could tell myself to keep me in, in me.

Jill O'Boyle (29:49.958)
I can take that power back. Good for you!

Jill O'Boyle (30:12.338)
That's right.


Danette Haag (30:15.328)
and just let them stare and whatever. And that worked for a while. And then I thought I needed more. And so here's where the really magical part is. I eventually learned through all my healing journey and my mindset shifts and the things that I was doing and bringing, inviting God in everywhere I went, that I eventually learned to see my scars as God's masterpiece of art. So if you think of artwork, some...

Jill O'Boyle (30:18.459)

Jill O'Boyle (30:23.9)

Jill O'Boyle (30:40.391)

Danette Haag (30:44.79)
a unique statue or painting or something, you have to stop and stare at it. Like you can't help it. Like I like the word admire better than stare, but you have to stop and admire that artwork. So when people stop and admire God's artwork that I carry on my body wherever I go, I just tell myself, that's right. I'm God's masterpiece of art. They're learning something from me and

Jill O'Boyle (30:47.536)
Yeah. Yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (30:58.375)
I love it.

Jill O'Boyle (31:05.16)
Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

Danette Haag (31:14.136)
Their lesson is so much more valuable if I can stay in my joy, stay in my strength, not let it, not let their, not be reactive in a negative way to their actions and let them learn. And so if I'm at, you know, grocery store, I still have fun with my kids and we're doing our thing and, you know, I'll say hi sometimes or just smile in our direction and just keep going and let them stare. Man, that was life changing.

Jill O'Boyle (31:18.93)

Jill O'Boyle (31:27.548)
Yeah. Yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (31:38.173)

So good. Yeah.

Danette Haag (31:43.438)
And to realize how many times do we have that control in really hard situations that want to derail us. Where, and I guess whoever's listening, my big question to you is where in your life can you use a masterpiece of art kind of thinking? To see yourself as God's gift, to see yourself, you know, whether that's at your job or whether that's

Jill O'Boyle (31:51.044)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Jill O'Boyle (32:04.304)
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Danette Haag (32:12.14)
you know, being a mother, whether whatever role that is, you are God's a masterpiece. And we can't forget that, right?

Jill O'Boyle (32:14.204)

Jill O'Boyle (32:20.954)
We can, we cannot, that is like a beautiful, I'm a visionary. Like, just putting that into a vision there of like, for everybody to realize that we are God's masterpiece, whatever you went through, right? You may not have be like, Danette has went through a physical fire and has, you know, physical scars, but when this goes on YouTube, this late, Danette, you are so beautiful. Like, you're so beautiful. So I mean,

Danette Haag (32:49.336)
Thank you. Well, I did my hair today, Jill. I did my hair for you.

Jill O'Boyle (32:50.362)
I don't I mean, she's beautiful and she's beautiful and she has scars. can't see on the screen, but I like you had physical scars. But what I'm saying is we are all God's masterpiece and we like you said, we all do have scars of some sort that we've went through and pain that we've went through. And so I love how you worded that of I decided I was going to look at my gifts for staring at my scars and going see how I could show up instead of just.

having this hold me back and what story could others learn from me if I showed up in my gifts and story versus hiding in it. I mean, come on, is is good. That is so good stuff. Like and that is what God is calling all of us to do. Like he has equipped us with so many things. And I love that you bring this back to your childhood days of God knows our design. He knows. He knows how to talk to us, but he also puts

Danette Haag (33:37.186)

Jill O'Boyle (33:49.788)
threads throughout our life that are aligned to where he is calling us. I firmly believe that and I can see that in your whole story of the beauty pageant, you know, make, doing whatever you want. I, I look back on my threads of my life and I can see, so now I do a lot of motivational speaking and coaching and I look back on the threads of my life and, and I, my other background was in event management and hosting big events for companies and

all of those show up in my younger years. So like I used to bring over my childhood neighborhood friends and I would be the leader and I would teach them all our dances that we were going to do and then we were going to put on a recital and we were going to charge tickets like quarter you had to come to our recital. And you know I think about that and I'm like even back then God was showing me that this is a part that actually brings me full joy is to create events and meaning and

Danette Haag (34:34.83)
see you where.

Jill O'Boyle (34:48.622)
One day you'll be on stage, you know, and there's going to be a story to tell. And I could never have seen that when I was in like the event management. Right. But actually, yeah, he's training. Yeah.

Danette Haag (34:56.312)
But you were in preparation. He was like training you for, yeah, it's just a life training. And we're so closed off to that God does know us and he's prepping us. For me, he was prepping us for darkness. I think he does that as well so that we can come out stronger. As I became an inspirational speaker,

which is so crazy because I'm like the quiet, shy one. I'm the one that wants to, I'll be the wallflower. I'm good, right? But I had all this message to share. couldn't help it, right? And I go on a run, I'm a runner. I'd go on a run and God would tend give me all these ideas and I'd come back and write. One of the programs that I share, and this is what leads into me doing this crazy pageant stuff.

I have a program for women and teen girls that I call Flawless and it's really about seeing yourself the way God sees you and we forget that we measure ourselves against world standards and we forget that God knows every single part of us. He knows our pain. He knows he's walked with us through it all. He understands our intention. So when we fail, he knows our heart. He knows us in ways we don't often even know ourselves. And so he sees us.

Jill O'Boyle (35:58.14)
Yep. Right.

Jill O'Boyle (36:08.648)
for sure.

Danette Haag (36:11.998)
and our flaws as priceless and our wisdom that we gain from any life scar, any life pain, that wisdom when we use it properly has so much value. And so I share with so many people that I see myself as flawless, which is just seeing that my journey with my scars has given me so much wisdom and it's made me priceless.

Jill O'Boyle (36:15.016)

Jill O'Boyle (36:27.09)

Jill O'Boyle (36:38.276)
Mm hmm. Yes.

Danette Haag (36:42.222)
how great that we're priceless, we're irreplaceable, right? We're precious and have so much, we have value beyond, like we're beyond valuable. We're so precious and priceless. And so I'm teaching audiences this, telling audiences that I see myself as flawless and this little dream keeps popping up to be in the Mrs. Colorado pageant. So it's for women who are married because there's,

Jill O'Boyle (36:45.274)
Yeah. Yeah.

Jill O'Boyle (36:59.367)

Danette Haag (37:09.39)
no way I was ready when I was younger to be in a pageant. had so much to learn and heal from and get to such a solid place. It took such a long time. But there's a Mrs. Colorado, there's a Mrs. America system, right? And so I was like, I kept pushing the idea away. I was scared. Like you said, Jill, like I was 47 when I got this idea. I'd had four kids, four miscarriages.

Jill O'Boyle (37:15.217)
learn. Sure.

Jill O'Boyle (37:33.746)

Danette Haag (37:37.868)
My body had been through a ton. I'd have to compete with women half my age and wear a swimsuit and heels on stage. Anybody want to do it with me? Like just DM me or something. I'll get you in. Like so many people are like, you are, you are just crazy. Like that is the craziest idea. But here I was, it was, I was telling God, I, I'm good. Like I don't need this. I don't need, you know, some beauty pageant to tell me I'm beautiful.

Jill O'Boyle (37:50.664)

Danette Haag (38:07.054)
I'm here to shine your light, but I was scared, like let's be honest. And that it just kept popping up. It just kept coming back, no matter how much I, you know, toss it away. And I'm telling people, I see myself as flawless, yet I'm denying this, you know, push from God to prove it, prove it. And so I was just so scared. I kind of felt like I wasn't being true to my words, and so I was battling this idea whether to do this or not.

Jill O'Boyle (38:26.03)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Danette Haag (38:37.286)
And I got this vision and it was me and about 40 women on stage and we all had our gowns on, know, big hair, all full makeup, the whole thing. And I'm looking around at all these women around me. And the only thing I understand is that I'm not the scarred lady in the middle. I see all their scars too. I see their pain. I see their life.

Jill O'Boyle (39:02.856)
So good.

Danette Haag (39:05.986)
battles, see their insecurities and their fears. I've seen how far they've come, you know, much like my journey and that vision. And I remember right where I was at, what exactly what I was doing when I had this vision, I could still pull it up in my memory today. It was so vivid, but that was that feeling, that overwhelming feeling after that vision that was like bursting out of every cell that told me you belong here.

Jill O'Boyle (39:10.652)
Yes. Yes.

Jill O'Boyle (39:34.876)

Danette Haag (39:35.222)
You are not any different than them and I need you to do this. So I did. That was in 2018. 2019 was my first time. I feel like 2019 was just, I did that for that broken little girl who always wanted to be on that stage. And I caught the bug and I thought in the first year I didn't place or anything. I was just happy to be there and like figure out I didn't have a coach. I didn't know what I was doing.

Jill O'Boyle (39:51.088)
Yep. Yeah.

Danette Haag (40:03.518)
In 2020 I competed, which was weird because it was 2020, but we still had really, it was really brilliant how our director handled all of that. But I got top 12. I was a finalist or a semi-finalist. And I thought, okay, if I can get any closer. My husband was like, are you done yet? Are you done yet? Because we are about as back roads as you can get. Like we're just so simple and.

Jill O'Boyle (40:07.487)

Jill O'Boyle (40:16.956)

Jill O'Boyle (40:25.896)

Danette Haag (40:32.142)
You know what, I can get dirty or pretty. I can do either one, right? Like, I can be out in the dirt or I can, you know, get all cleaned up. But anyway, I just knew I needed to get closer to the crowd because I thought if I could get top three, then that would be like, just validate this message that I was sharing to audiences around the country. so, yeah, I...

I did it and I won the damn thing. And in 2021, I became Mrs. Colorado. And really cool part that was almost as miraculous and definitely God driven as the crown itself was when I was little, being in a swimsuit was horrible because that's where I got the most staring. couldn't wear long sleeves to cover it up, right? And

Jill O'Boyle (41:01.522)
and you want it.

Jill O'Boyle (41:18.13)

Danette Haag (41:25.356)
trying to have fun and my parents made me do hard things, which I'm glad they did, but this was one of the hard things they made me do to try and be normal. So if you're in a full, you know, this packed pool and kids are floating around, you know, you're swimming around, you bump into, they would bump into me or my brother and they would turn around as you do in a pool. And what all we would hear was, gross. And they'd swim away or nasty, you know, words like that. So man was I,

Jill O'Boyle (41:31.61)
Yes. Yep.

Jill O'Boyle (41:42.182)

Jill O'Boyle (41:50.0)

Danette Haag (41:54.316)
That was one of the hardest moments for me as a kid was being in a swimsuit. And here I was having to showcase myself in a swimsuit, in a beauty pageant of all things. Like really, how dumb am I? Like, I don't know how I did all that, but I guess you do what God wants you to do. in right before, moments before I won the crown, I had already made the top six and they gave out these awards. And one of them was best in swimsuit.

Jill O'Boyle (42:01.725)

Jill O'Boyle (42:05.777)
my gosh, I love it. No.

Jill O'Boyle (42:12.486)
That's right.

Jill O'Boyle (42:18.993)

Danette Haag (42:25.014)
and I got best in swimsuit and I was blown away. And I'm telling you ladies, it wasn't because I was the skinniest or the most fit, not by a long shot. And I had actually talked to some of the judges afterwards now that I'm a former queen and they're just like, you were the most confident in your skin. And that starts with just loving yourself, believing in yourself.

Jill O'Boyle (42:25.712)
And you

Jill O'Boyle (42:41.775)

Confident I knew it. knew it. Wow.

Danette Haag (42:52.844)
You don't have to have, you you don't have to be a size zero. You don't even, you don't have to be, you can be any size. You can be any shape. You can be any color. You can be any, anything. You can be as flawed as this world has made you according to their definition. And you're still priceless under the eyes of God. And that's what you carry. That's the definition that you carry. And that's what people receive is that belief in yourself.

Jill O'Boyle (42:56.858)

Jill O'Boyle (43:02.993)

Jill O'Boyle (43:11.719)

Danette Haag (43:21.728)
I believe that self love is a co-creation. It's a co-creation. You have to believe that God is there to catch you. You have to have some sort of faith, right? You also have to have faith in yourself. Believe in yourself that you can do hard things. You can show up and believe in love yourself. And it's also this belief that there's good out there somewhere to meet you and not be so afraid that the world is so horrible, which is easy to believe, right?

Jill O'Boyle (43:29.0)

Mm hmm. You do.


Jill O'Boyle (43:45.937)

Jill O'Boyle (43:51.047)

Danette Haag (43:51.18)
So you gotta believe in God, you gotta believe in yourself, and you gotta believe in the good that's out there. And that's where confidence really, that self-loving confidence recipe, stems from, that mindset of seeing your life as a co-creation. It's not all on your shoulders, but what is is your choice in what mindset and what you're carrying with you and what you're gonna leave behind and being intentional about.

Jill O'Boyle (43:55.942)

Jill O'Boyle (44:06.546)
So good.

Jill O'Boyle (44:10.565)
your choices.

Mm. Yeah. Yes. That is so powerful and it's so spot on and you don't realize how much mindset plays into your daily life and the choices that you make and allow what your mind is telling you to do. And I love that.

how you just worded that is that you're not going through life alone, that you have a co-creator with you and that God is always gonna be with you. It's awesome, awesome, awesome story. Thank you so much for sharing. Like your story is just one, you I knew when I met you, was like, this is a powerful story. And one I think so many people can just relate to just with.

Danette Haag (44:47.554)

Jill O'Boyle (44:57.626)
scars in their own life. And so your story is one of resilience and courage and truly a transformation. so somebody listening today, Danette, that, you know, is struggling just to embrace their own story, whatever that story might be, maybe it's scars, maybe it's failure, maybe it's rejection. What would you say to them or a piece of advice that they can take away? You've given so much, but.

Danette Haag (45:22.648)
Well, one quote that I share with every audience I speak in front of, and it's something that I think everyone should have written on a sticky note on the mirror, something to remind you every single day, is that a negative mind will never create a positive life. A negative mind will never create a positive life. we have to, no one else knows all those thoughts that trickle through your brain every day that you tell no one else.

Jill O'Boyle (45:33.372)

Jill O'Boyle (45:39.048)

Jill O'Boyle (45:50.118)

Danette Haag (45:50.658)
but you need to do a self-assessment, a constant self-assessment. Am I my biggest critic showing up today or is my inner cheerleader with me? Because you also have the choice, like we talked about this mindset, you have a choice about what words you tell yourself.

Jill O'Boyle (46:06.663)

Danette Haag (46:09.184)
what words and I bring faith. I invite God into everything I do, into every moment of every day before we got on Jill. I light candles. I used to be afraid of fire and there's a whole story that we could share about that and my courage but standing in a room on fire. But I conquered my fear of fire and I use fire to invite the spirit in.

Jill O'Boyle (46:20.653)

Jill O'Boyle (46:30.312)

Danette Haag (46:30.666)
I light candles all the time and anything I do with prayer, meditation, my writing, anytime I connect like this, I invite God in and I use fire, which is so cool to me. And I feel like so triumphant, right? To get to that point in my life. But we have to invite God in to whatever that is, to our mindset, to be able to flip it. I am a...

Jill O'Boyle (46:40.272)
Wow. That is so cool. Yes.

Jill O'Boyle (46:48.232)

Danette Haag (46:53.966)
I call myself a soul strengthening mindset coach because it's mindset and it's also your faith and how to to flip your inner script to find that masterpiece of God kind of thinking. I'm not saying this is easy.

Jill O'Boyle (46:57.212)

Jill O'Boyle (47:03.068)

Mm hmm. Yeah. Right.

Danette Haag (47:09.322)
but when you're in the practice of catching yourself, of being intentional about the thoughts that go through your mind, then you can create a positive life. So if you haven't already, write down a negative mind will never create a positive life. So if you want a positive life, you have the choice of what you're inviting into your everyday, your inner critic or your inner cheerleader. Kick the critic to the curb.

Jill O'Boyle (47:15.322)
Mm hmm. That's right.

Jill O'Boyle (47:21.583)


Jill O'Boyle (47:28.796)

Jill O'Boyle (47:32.794)
Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Change the way that you're thinking. That's so powerful because one of the quotes that I always say and it was in my darkest moments when I felt just so stuck and defeated and I felt like God was saying, Jill, you whatever you're not changing, you're choosing. Like you have a choice. You can stay stuck in this pain or you can choose a different way to live. I haven't called you to this.

But you're constantly just running and I'm asking you to slow down and pause with me. And so whatever you're not changing your choosing, I think is spot on to what you just said. Because a negative mind will never create a positive life. So if you're constantly sitting in the negative, and that's where I was for so long, well, it's the environment. It's this. It's my marriage. It's everything. It's all them. It's all external. It had nothing to do with me. No, I was perfect child over here.

Danette Haag (48:08.878)

Danette Haag (48:24.526)
Right. Oh yeah, never does. 100%. But how often do we... We are so... It's easier. It's easier to if my husband wouldn't have said that, but you know, I get angsty around a bunch of drivers and traffic's bad. And I always want to blame them. like, I think this is a little something going on in me. I need to figure out. So it shows up in a lot of different ways. And so get in the practice of knowing yourself. How do you react?

Jill O'Boyle (48:27.312)
And God goes, no, let me sit down and let's really talk. I'll get to all those things, but let's talk about you, Jill. Yeah. It is.

Jill O'Boyle (48:50.108)
Does. Yes.

Danette Haag (48:54.176)
What are those thoughts? Stop blaming the world. Take ownership of what you need to take ownership and make that shift. Flip the script.

Jill O'Boyle (49:00.678)
Yeah, so good, so good. So you mentioned you have a book, I know you also have some programs as well. So somebody listening, where can they learn more about you? Where can they buy your book? Get involved in any of the programs that you're offering? What's the best way? Okay.

Danette Haag (49:18.796)
Yeah, so my website has it all. Everything's on my website. It's beautyfromashtis

Jill O'Boyle (49:27.132)

Danette Haag (49:27.47)
And on social media, it's I'm just on Instagram and Facebook and LinkedIn, but it's Danette Beauty from Ashes. Search that up and you can find me. I would love to connect with anybody. My book is called Beauty from Ashes, Transforming Wounds into Wisdom, Scars into Stars. And it's on Amazon and my publisher's book, baby. But all that's on.

Jill O'Boyle (49:34.736)
Okay. Yeah. Yes. Yes.

Jill O'Boyle (49:46.522)
Amazon, okay.

Danette Haag (49:50.75)
know, links and stuff are on my website too. So yeah, I would love to connect. I'm a coach. I do a lot of one-on-one coaching. That's my favorite because I do in my coaching, I invite God in and a lot of times it becomes such a spiritual experience because I get messages that.

Jill O'Boyle (49:53.648)

Jill O'Boyle (50:00.018)

Danette Haag (50:10.508)
that just need to happen. do that even as a speaker. I don't know if you feel that, Jill, but when you invite, got in, it's like, sometimes I'll go off script and go, I don't know why, but somebody in the audience needs to hear this, right? So that's a, lot of that happens with my coaching too, which makes it super powerful and individual. And I love hearing other people's stories and helping them navigate that pain in a way that they find their power again.

Jill O'Boyle (50:14.286)
Yeah, yes.

Jill O'Boyle (50:21.188)
Yes. yeah. A hundred percent.


Jill O'Boyle (50:34.352)

Yeah. Yeah. And that's what's amazing about God, cause he does, he does allow us to co-create with him and he, he is the writer of our story. And so he wrote your story and now he's going to use that as a transformation for somebody else. And he already knows who that is. It's going to, you know, want to connect in and reach out. So, anybody listening right now, the best thing that you can do if your heart's stirring and you're like, wow, I'm super intrigued by Danette. Please don't dismiss that.

That's the subtle nudge of the Holy Spirit saying, I've brought you somebody that can walk alongside you and walk this out. The worst thing that we can do is stay stuck in our pain by ourselves. And then we think we are the only ones going through this. I know that because I sat there way too long in my own life. And that's why I'm so passionate about helping people as well, just like Dinette, to go through life with somebody and find a community and find a coach.

please reach out. I'll include your book, I'll include your website so that anybody listening, just click on the show notes below and you'll be able to reach out to her directly. amazing, amazing. I love just your story, your testimony, your courage and strength is amazing. And I know that's by the favor of God on your life. So thank you so much for showing up today with me and.

Danette Haag (51:43.662)
That'd be great. I would love that.

Danette Haag (51:54.294)
Yes. Amen. Absolutely.

Jill O'Boyle (51:59.868)
Letting us have this conversation. know it's going to bless so many people. So thank you.

Danette Haag (52:02.702)
Well, it was my honor and my pleasure. Thanks for inviting me on, It's so lovely to meet you. I wish we lived closer so we can go for coffee, honestly. 100%, you better.

Jill O'Boyle (52:05.938)

Jill O'Boyle (52:09.55)
I know, I know. If I'm ever out in Colorado, I'm gonna be pinging you.

All right, friends, thank you so much for joining us today. Like I said, all contact information for Danette is in the show notes below. Continue to go out, be you, love life, and always be rising up. Thank you so much.

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