Your Life Your Story - RISE UP

Igniting Connections to Thrive: 3 Types of Friends Everyone Needs

Jill O'Boyle Season 2 Episode 64

In today's episode, Jill emphasizes on the importance of connection and community in combating burnout and thriving in life!  She delves into the art of connection, unmasking the value of meaningful relationships in a world where depth often takes a backseat, and demonstrating how these bonds can shield us from the cold grip of isolation.

The episode explores the dynamics of friends and Jill introduces you to the 3 indispensable types of friends we all need in our corner to thrive!

Get ready to amplify your friendship and elevate your life to new heights!   Tune in now!


NEW WORKSHOP:  Ready to gain wisdom on your natural gifts that will make you thrive? Join the Rise & Thrive Working Genius Workshop!

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Speaker 1:

Hi, friends, it's your host, jill. Welcome to your Life, your Story Rise Up Podcast. If you know me, you know that I have a heart to motivate and inspire people to live a life they truly love. On this podcast, I share stories of inspiration, stories of struggle and everything really in between, but most importantly, I aim to provide you relatable content, tools and some advice that will set you up for success, to be the high achiever you were born to be and ultimately, set you up to live a life that you were called to live. So, with that, let's dive in and rise up. Well, hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of your Life, your Story Rise Up.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, jill O'Boyle, so I am feeling incredibly blessed and refreshed, like you know that feeling you get when you finish doing something and you're like, wow, I absolutely love that, like I could literally do that every single day and never get tired of it. Yeah, well, that's exactly where I am. I had a corporate speaking opportunity last week to motivate and inspire about 130 women and when I left the stage, the feeling of joy was undeniable. Joy was undeniable and the words that ring through my head every single time I finish a keynote was even louder this time, and it was those words of I could do this every single day. And so I challenge you to think about when was a time in your life where you were doing something and you were like I just love this. Or wow, how did the time just fly by. Or wow, I think I was born for this. I want you to really hone into what were you doing and what was the feelings that you were having as you were doing those things, because those are all clues. They're all clues of your natural gifts that are specific to you. And I say specific to you because it's not everyone's gift. Like public speaking is definitely not everyone's gift, right? I'm sure you're nodding your head like yeah, not for me, but it's definitely my gift. It's a gift that I have had, probably from the time I was a little girl. Like I remember my parents being like she's going to be on stage. I don't know what she's going to be on stage for, but she will be on stage. So what's your gift? What's that gift that really lights you up? What's that gift that really lights you up? Maybe you're sitting there pondering, like I don't know. Well, that's exactly what.

Speaker 1:

I help my clients. I help my clients uncover these type of questions in my one-to-one coaching programs, in my retreats, in my workshops. And hey, speaking of workshops, I actually have an opportunity for you to take advantage of right now to discover your natural gifts that make you thrive, and that is coming up on Thursday, may 16th, from 9 to 12. And so this is available online, from the comfort of your home or office with your coworkers, or in person at my event venue in Indianapolis, where I'll be hosting it at. And so this workshop will transform the way that you work, it will transform your team, it will transform your life guaranteed. And so it's the fastest and simplest way to discover your natural gifts and thrive both personally and professionally.

Speaker 1:

And so, at this workshop, we will discover one of the best kept secrets. One of the best kept secrets. You, guys, you want to know what it is. It's you, so at this workshop, we're going to dive into who are you, what are those gifts that make you thrive, right? And so you're going to take a short online personal assessment it's going to take 10 minutes or less and then we're going to have an awesome, fun time interacting, having a series of discussions that will leave you with the ability to walk out of that event, understanding your genius zone, your gifts that make you thrive in your work and bring you that natural joy that I was talking about. It's also going to help you to understand what are those areas of your work that actually frustrate you and make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated, and you have to use that part of your gifts. It's just not naturally to you. It comes naturally to you. So I promise this is a transformational event. So be sure to click on the link in the show notes to learn more, also to be able to share with your colleagues and be ready to have some fun learning about yourself. I think that is the best investment you can give is to understand who you are, why you're here, what were you created on and what are the gifts that make you thrive. So be sure to check it out, invite your friends, bring your colleagues. It's on Thursday, may 16th. All the information is in the show notes below.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and I should just throw this out there that is a professional development workshop. So my, my gut says you might want to throw it across the plate or desk of your boss and you might be able to have them pay for it. Why don't you at least ask right $97, nine to 12. I think it's a steal. I think your boss may want to invest in you as well.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, I was delivering a keynote, like I said, on the power of igniting connections to combat burnout and thrive, and when I say it hit home, I mean it hit home y'all, with like 130 women. Why? Because we are craving connection more than ever right now. Like we live in a very self-centered selfie world. Right Like behind that perfect Instagram photo is a bunch of chaos. Yes, it is. There is unmet needs, there is isolation, there is loneliness, there's emptiness. Like we do a really good job, don't we, of just putting on a good mask, putting up the walls to protect ourselves. Right, that's what we're really doing is we put up these masks? We put up these walls to protect ourselves from feeling like we're a failure or a misfit, and as the years go on, the walls and masks keep getting thicker and thicker and thicker that we don't know how to connect personally and authentically. Because, let's be honest, we are not authentic with ourselves, and so we have so many layers to ourselves that we're just a bit confused as to who we really are, what we like, what we enjoy.

Speaker 1:

And so as I was speaking at this event and I vulnerably shared my story on stage and let down all the walls and barriers and mask and just spoke from my heart about my story and the power of community and connections in my life, you could see and sense that the room was just shifting, like the weight was kind of falling off of the ladies, because I gave them permission to candidly face what has been weighing them down. I gave them space to feel not so alone. You see, our stories connect us, they bring us together, especially, especially when we are open to sharing the heart of it, like not the roses and the painted picture on the outside that we all do so well at showing daily, but just the raw, unfiltered like hey, this is me and this is where I'm at. And so I had a lot packed into a quick 30 minute presentation. But one of the areas that I really planted my feet down hard on and lit a fire under the ladies was this power of igniting connections and creating a thrive tribe, because I believe as women we carry this old belief that says that we have to do it alone, like, if we want to be successful, we have to push really hard, we have to outwork everyone else, we have to let go of our joy and friendships, and sometimes our marriage, to get to where we want to go.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, ladies, please, please, hear me on this. You already have what you need inside of you, like it is not out there. It is not more hours, it's not more trips, it's not more sleepless nights, it's inside of you and it's with the people around you, like we can not go it alone. And it's with the people around you, like we cannot go it alone. We must realize that connection and community is where it's at and these connections have meaning and they have purpose.

Speaker 1:

Because, you see, I think so many people have a misconception about this. I think that people view connections and friendships in a totally misconception way. I think a lot of times we have people come across our path and we have friends that come across our path and we always think that they're going to be our lifelong friends, and everybody that we come across is like we have to be lifers, right, and that's just not the case. It's just not the case and you didn't do anything wrong and they didn't do anything wrong. And so I want you to hear me on this and I want you to really really soak this in because I promise it will change your life if you truly grasp onto what I'm saying about this power of connections and people that come along our path, because there's three types of people in our life. They are people that come across our path for a reason, people that come into our life for a season, and people that come into our life for a season and people that come into our life for a lifetime. Don't miss this. A reason, a season, a lifetime.

Speaker 1:

And so when people leave your circle, like, don't get angry and don't judge them or talk ill will about them. You know what you should do. You should pray for them, you should wish them well, hope they grow, hope they thrive, because they were most likely in your life for a season or a reason, so either you needed their wisdom or counsel or they needed yours, and now that time has passed and they're ready to just go on and thrive and you've already planted a seed in their life, and that is awesome. I can look back on my life and I can see so many people that were in my life for a reason. I can definitely see people who are perfectly placed in my life for a season, and I absolutely know the people that are my lifers, like.

Speaker 1:

I know three friends right now that I haven't spoken to in a year or two. But I can pick up the phone right now and we'd be right back, haven't missed a beat, could catch up on old times in a heartbeat, right, I'm sure you have those friends in your mind right now Like, absolutely, you could just pick up the phone, haven't missed a beat. Those are your lifetime friends. It's effortless, it doesn't matter the time or the distance. If I needed something, I know they would show up no questions asked, and so we need to understand this and embrace this. But we also need to understand the three types of friends we need in our corner to thrive, like, no matter if they were here for a season, if they were here for a reason or if they're lifetime lifers. I want you to ensure that you have at least three types of friends in your corner, in your tribe. These are the three types that I call your thrive tribe, because if you do, I promise you you are going to be able to navigate your life so much easier, wiser and with more joy than many of your other peeps.

Speaker 1:

So let's soak this in, let's talk about what are these three types of friends and see if you have these friends in your corner already. Okay, I bet you do so. Number one you have to have your motivator. You have to have your corner already. Okay, I bet you do so, number one. Number one you have to have your motivator. You have to have your motivator. That's your friend that on a good day or a bad day, they are there to lift you up. They have that just contagious personality, full of energy, optimistic spirit that you can call up on your lowest of lows and whatever you're going through, I guarantee you, by the end of that phone call they're going to make you feel better. They're going to tell you to pull your big girl panties up. They're going to tell you to look on the brighter side and in the moment you might be like I don't want to look at the brighter side, but they're going to make you look at the brighter side and you're going to hang up and you're going to feel better about it. Or they're going to just drive up in your driveway and you didn't even invite them over, but they're there because they are that kind of friend. They're there to motivate you to make your dark day so much less and make your good days even that much better, right, because they are always fun to be around.

Speaker 1:

You've got to have a motivator in your life. You've got to have the number two friend. I call her the get her done friend. I love these friends. When I am so overwhelmed and I'm stressed and I can't take on one more thing, I can call my get her done friend and be like do you have a few seconds Because I have this thing and I'm not really doing a good job at it and I think you could help me. And they're like I got you. Yep, count me in, I'll be there. Right, they just can take stuff off your plate like effortlessly, like I would have been up all night, and they're like I got you. So you need those kinds of friends in your life.

Speaker 1:

And then, lastly, you need those like different friends. There's a bit different. They think differently, they act differently. Don't miss this type of friend. These type of friends are so great, right, because I am, so I am all about like having a connection and community of like-minded people, like people that are a lot like us, think like us, do things like us. But we can not dismiss the people that actually think a little bit different than us, like they have these gifts that you're just like. That is, I do not have that gift, but they do.

Speaker 1:

Because, yet again, these people, when you are stuck, when you are trying to do something that's just not in your wheelhouse, you can call up that different friend and be like, um, let me pick your brain on this, and in a matter of two seconds they'll be able to say, well, I don't know, to me, I think I would just do this, and you're like, why did I not think of that? Because I think differently than you. We have to have those people in our life because they make our world so much easier. Because, yet again, I would be frustrated, I would be getting ticked off, I would be in my frustration zone, my family would be angry because I'm in this off mood, right, my kids are like what's up with mom? Because I'm struggling over here and I don't have to struggle. I can just call my different friend, and she's not different at all. She's so awesome and unique and special and she just thinks differently than me, and so we have to have that kind of friend in our circle as well.

Speaker 1:

And so those are your three friends, and I'm hoping that, as I started talking about these friends like boom, like a name came up, boom, another name came up. Like you talking about these friends like boom, like a name came up, boom, another name came up. Like you already have these friends? I guarantee you do. You just haven't thought about it in this mindset. But now I really want you to think about that, because we need those friends and we need to know who do we call when we're in a tough spot, when we're overwhelmed, when we're stuck.

Speaker 1:

Who do we call when our energy is running dim or low? Make sure you have them in your back pocket, your motivator, that person that's so full of energy that can just spin you out of a bad day ASAP or make your better days even better. Right, your get her done, girl. The one that's going to be like I got you. You don't even have to hesitate, just call them and they'll help you get it done. They love to get things done. They're probably like love to check off a good to-do list. That's that type of friend that helps you figure out who that is. And then your different friend. They just are like. Every time you're around them, you're like why do I not think like her? Because you don't like her, and that's perfectly acceptable. So it makes us all awesome and unique, because I guarantee you that you have a gift that she doesn't have. And she's like why am I not like her, right? So we need all three types of those friends.

Speaker 1:

Okay, hey, friends, before I let you go, I want to ensure that I'm giving you all the tools needed to help you rise up to live a life you love. And so, in order for us to live a life we love, we first have to acknowledge where we are today. Self-reflection is the first step in understanding where you currently stand in your life, so I've created a free checklist for you to access where you are today. Are you living in survival mode, are you thriving, or are you somewhere in between? Find out now. Download my free checklist. 10 Signs You're Living in Survival Mode and on the Verge of a Breakdown. Go to the show notes. Grab your free download right now. It's packed with a lot of other goodies, as well as a roadmap to help you thrive personally and professionally. 10 Signs You're Living living in survival mode and on the verge of a breakdown. Find out where you stand today. Go ahead and download your free checklist in the show notes below.

Speaker 1:

So again, hopefully you have these people in your back pocket. If not, it's time to start identifying some friends that you can count on, that can be there for you. And hey, listen, if you need a different friend, like one that's not in your circle, like maybe thinks differently than you could, like shed some light on your life and give you a new perspective, like hey, just so you know, I'd be happy to be that friend for you, absolutely, would See, that's what's great about having a coach, an accountability partner, a motivational cheerleader, an encourager, all in one that is just by your side, ready to be in your corner. You see, that's exactly my true passion and gift. Like I love helping high achieving women regain control of their lives and thrive. I wish I would have been. I mean, I have been really doing this my whole life. Just didn't really call myself a coach back then, but this is what just naturally brings me joy.

Speaker 1:

And so if you are ready to just get unstuck, if you're ready to discover your natural gifts and your purpose and rediscover a life that you were created for then. Don't let life pass you by Like, don't keep staying stuck. Schedule a free 30 minute consultation call with me. We'll chat for a quick couple minutes and it's the ability for me to learn more about you and understand what challenges you may be going through and how I can best support you. And so there's nothing to lose. It's a free 30 minute call just to assess where you're at in life and the ability to take control of your life and begin to thrive.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so if that's of interest to you, make sure you click the link in the show notes below. Also, be sure to take advantage of the Rise and Thrive workshop that's coming up on May 16th. Again, that is a workshop that will totally transform the way you work. It will transform your team and your life. Guarantee you it. It will transform your team and your life. I guarantee you it. So don't miss that opportunity, friends. I love you all so much. Go out, make it a great day, be you, love life and rise up. Okay, friends, that is it for today. If you liked this episode, please give it a like and share it with a friend. To make sure you stay up to date and never miss an episode. Go ahead and hit the subscribe button To make sure you stay up to date and never miss an episode. Go ahead and hit the subscribe button. I love helping you rise up. Until next time, go out and make it a great day.

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