Your Life Your Story - RISE UP

3 Decisions That Changed the Way I Vacation FOREVER

Season 2 Episode 62

In today's episode, I'm sharing 3 decisions that changed the way I vacation FOREVER;  and how implementing these 3 decisions have been a game-changer in all areas of my life.

These 3 decisions have allowed me to have more energy, increase my mood levels, enhance my relationships, and be more healthier and happier in 2024 ... and  GREAT NEWS... they will work for you as well!

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Jill O'Boyle (00:03.128)
Hey friends, I hope you are doing well. Let me tell you, I know I am. I took a little time off for the podcast with some much needed R and R. And let me tell you, I feel rejuvenated today. So we just returned from a week in Florida on spring break and just had an incredible vacation, much needed vacation, right? We all need to get away at times.

So if you are listening for the first time, hey, I'm Jill O 'Boyle. I'm your host of the Your Life Your Story Rise Up podcast. So glad you're here. And for the rest of you that have been with me for a while, thanks for keeping coming back. Truly appreciate you guys and your support. So the other week, I was sharing on my newsletter that I send out about a time a couple of years ago when...

I almost canceled our vacation, right? So I was writing to my newsletter, I was talking about how I was so excited about our trip coming up and I had to share a story about our past, like a few years ago when I decided we were gonna cancel our vacation. So if you are not currently on my newsletter, A, you need to be. So go ahead and click the link below in the show notes, make sure that you get added to my newsletter. I drop into your inbox once a week to bring you encouragement, motivation, some tips and advice.

on just how to gain control of this crazy life we live. Don't we all need that? Yes, so make sure you're not missing out. Click the link, pause the video right now, go and subscribe to the newsletter. But I'll give you a little context as to what I was talking about in that newsletter. So like I said, I was sharing a story about a few years ago when I was extremely overwhelmed. I was exhausted.

I was burned out. I was working all the time. And in that moment, we had a vacation planned. It was a fall break trip. And I literally looked at my husband, I looked at my kids, and I said, we're canceling the vacation.

Jill O'Boyle (02:15.832)
There's just too much work going on. I have so many deadlines. People are counting on me. Like there's gonna be no way that I'm gonna be able to relax. There's no way that we're gonna be able to break free. Like I'm gonna have to be on my computer. And you could have heard a pin drop in that room. Like sad eyes staring back at me for, you know, for my kids. And then like death daggers looking at me from my husband.

And it's like they didn't even need to say anything. Like I knew exactly what they were thinking. I knew in that minute, in that second, the thought that was going through their mind was your work means more to you than we do. Whoa.

Oh my gosh. Like I couldn't deny what they were feeling. Like was that true? Of course not. Like of course my work does not mean more to me than my family. But my actions and my words were saying different, right? So I can't deny what they were feeling. And so immediately I wanted to take back those words. Immediately I wanted to be like, I'm just kidding. We're gonna go, right?

Um, but my husband looked right at me and he was like, literally, uh, you need this vacation. We're not canceling the vacation. Like you have all people need this vacation and we're going. So buckle up, Jill, let's go. And he's like, and honestly, what's, what's the difference? Like every time we go on a vacation, you always have stuff going on. So do what you have to do. Get your emails done, do your work.

figure it all out before we go plan our day, like that's nothing new to us, right? And so we went on the trip and about the first day, as I had done in, like my husband had said in many years before, like that's what I did. I got up, checked the email, made sure that everybody was taken care of, like nothing was going to happen because I was gonna take a day off, right? Like, oh my gosh, what would happen if Jill took a day off?

Jill O'Boyle (04:30.902)
let alone a week. But you know, that was my mindset back then. So I made sure, you know, all the emails were taken, everything was buttoned up, everybody knew what their marching orders were, and now, now my family could enjoy me. Now I could go and have the vacation. And so we did, you know, that was day one. And then day two comes along, same thing, grab my coffee, pull up the laptop, get ready to check some emails, see that there's about 150 emails just from,

the day before that I'd already went through and now there's 150 more. I'm starting to feel the overwhelm. I'm starting to panic. I'm like, oh my gosh, why is there 150 emails? What was I thinking? And in that moment, I was literally about to just say, you know what? You guys go do your day. There's too much here. I can see some red flagged high urgent things that people are needing me.

So why don't you guys just go, right? Those were the thought processes going through my head. Like I'm gonna probably just need to skip out on today. And immediately I felt like...

Maybe it was the voice of God. Maybe it was just the mentality of like, I just don't even know anymore. Like this is just so much in a state of overwhelm. But I almost feel like it was the voice of God saying, just let it go, chill. Like, just let it go. And so instead of like scurrying through there and canceling my vacation and putting my family to the side, like I had done for so many other vacations, I shut it.

I shut it down, you guys. I shut that laptop down and I net didn't open it again for the next five days. And for some of you listening, you're like, what's wrong with you? Well, that's just the mentality that I had back then. Like my work was number one. And that is what took priority. But on that vacation, something transformed. I finally said yes to my family.

Jill O'Boyle (06:38.136)
I put some boundaries in place and I decided to take that vacation with them in the mountains of Tennessee. And I remember standing on the mountaintop overlooking the beautiful views of the mountain and all of its glory and just God's creation. And it was in that moment that I absolutely know I felt the presence of God. And I heard a strong, strong voice say,

This, this is what I want for your life. I want you to feel this peace, this moment of presence, this moment of joy and gratitude. Like it's okay to have goals and dreams and aspirations and to work hard. Like, but this feeling right here is what life is about. And my kids, let me tell you, my kids still talk about that vacation. What was it?

in 2020 in the mountains of Tennessee. And it's still their best vacation. They bring it up all the time. And I honestly, I think. It's not because the rides at Dollywood were awesome and the views were awesome. But I honestly believe that they talk about that vacation because it was the first time that they ever actually experienced their mom letting go.

having fun, laughing, being present in the moment with them. And so let me just tell you, fast forward to now, four years later, right? That was just the tip of the iceberg and I had a lot of things to unpack from 2020 to now. So here we are, right? So I was just kind of sharing that in my newsletter about...

how to be in the present moment and really take a vacation and like we need it. And so fast forward, here we are four years later, like I just said, I just got back from an amazing vacation, epic or sick, sick as my kids say, mom, that was so sick. That place was sick. These kids these days, I tell you. But we had the best time, like we...

Jill O'Boyle (09:00.234)
Woke up every morning to the sound of the ocean waves, the beautiful sunrise. A warm cup of coffee was in my hands and honestly, a clear mind, y 'all. Like a clear mind. And I'm going to talk a little bit about that today. But it was a true vacation. Like, do you actually know what the word vacation means? Like the definition? Like I Googled it just so I can bring it to you all today. Vacation is, here we go.

a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually for rest. Wouldn't you know? What a concept. Vacation, rest, those two things go together. What? Not me, not in my past life. Nope. I don't know about you guys, but my vacations in the past were so different than the one I just experienced this year.

right now that I just got back from and that one that I was talking about in Tennessee up until I finally closed the laptop and actually enjoyed it. But.

Vacations for me in the past was just a whirlwind of activities, usually leaving me more exhausted than when I left. Like, have you ever felt like that? Like, when you return from vacation, you're like, oh my gosh, I just need a vacation after the vacation. Like, I need to now unwind because that whole vacation, I was just uptight, panties in a wad, like, let's get to the next activity and planning the next activity while you're at that activity. Like, anybody but me. Yeah, that is exactly how my vacations were.

Like every vacation was planned, like literally from sunup to sundown. They were packed to the brim with adventures and excitement. And don't get me wrong, like I am an adventure seeker girl. Like that's still in the fire of me. But this time I embraced like that adventure side of me with more of a, what do I want to call it? Like a wait and see mindset.

Jill O'Boyle (11:03.032)
I still want that adventure, but let's just wait and see. Like, let's just hold on, Jill. Let's just like wait and see. Let's go with the flow. Let's embrace the present moment mentality. And man, let me tell you, that just shift in perspective and change was nothing short of astonishing. Like, again, I tell you, it was an epic sick vacation because what I realized was I have I have emerged.

into someone that I always have craved to be. I finally reached her. I finally reached that destination that I've been craving to be. Like the person where I could just look at them and I'm like, gosh, they look so relaxed. Like they look like they're actually on vacation. Like someone who can relax on vacation versus always looking at the clock, like always rushing from one activity to the next and fear that I would miss out on something remarkable.

Right. Anybody else have that major like thing about FOMO? Right. Oh, my gosh. I always live for like that. Like, what am I going to miss out on? Well, let me tell you, I was missing out on so much. I was I was missing out on so many remarkable things because I was just rushing through my vacations. Like I missed out on the beauty of what it feels like to truly take a vacation, to like let go of the hustle and activity.

and find rest and relaxation, R and R, soak it in y 'all. Like soak in the goodness of being in the present moment without worry or fear. Like to just be and see what happens if you just be. And so that's what I embraced and then I didn't miss out on anything. Instead I gained so much like.

Oh my gosh, I gained like the remarkable views and the offerings of the day and just being in the moment with my kids and the laughter and the joy. So this vacation, I finally returned like fully rested. I'm revived. I've got a clear mind. I'm ready to tackle this week like turbo of it. Like I'm I'm on fire, but not so much back into that hustle, but just like.

Jill O'Boyle (13:22.52)
on fire of like, what's coming? Like, what's gonna happen this week? Like, what a difference. Like, truly what a difference it's been. And so let me ask you, are your vacations usually like mine were? Like that frantic blur of just activity with like every minute meticulously planned and executed? Like, are you secretly craving to be a person that can just relax, chill, like return?

feeling rested and energized like you actually had the vacation, you don't need another one to rest and unwind.

Because even if you think you can't be that person, right? Just like me, I didn't think I could be that rested, relaxed person. Like, let me tell you, you can. I know it because I am now. Like I am finally emerged to that person I always wanted to be. And so can you.

So with just three small decisions, you can start transforming your life that will make you feel incredible. Because that's what I did. As I reflected about this vacation and where I was just a mere four years ago, I realized there was three things that I did over time that helped me to shift to the person that I've wanted to become.

honestly, the person that I was designed to be, but I let the world shape me and I added all this like anxiety and worry and fear because that's really what our world tells us, right? Like if we don't hustle, we're going to miss out. And that's so the opposite. If you want to take it back to biblical, like that is not the way Jesus wants us to live our life. Like he was never running in the Bible, right? Like never does it say Jesus was like running and hurrying his life away.

Jill O'Boyle (15:19.256)
Like we shouldn't be either. Like we should be in the present moment, walking slowly, soaking it in. So three things that I think truly has shifted my perspective, has made me change the way I vacation forever. But also the same three things that's also like has changed my life in general too. Like there's two.

two things here that go hand in hand. So the first one is adopt the wait and see mentality. Just what I was talking about, like why not go with the flow? Why don't you wait to see what the weather is gonna do before you just plan out your whole day and the day that you were destined to have the beach day gets ruined, right? Because it's now a storming and now you're in a tizzy because you're like, well, this was the beach day.

Now it rain. Well, now what are we going to do? We just packed our whole day with all this other stuff and you're screwed, right? Like that's how I used to work all the time. Like I plan everything and then it would get all a mess. And then I would be all hot and bothered and it would ruin my trip because I would have these expectations that would always go unmet because we're not really supposed to live with that much expectations in my personal opinion. So go with the wait and see mentality, like go with the flow.

See what the weather's gonna do. Wait, check it out first. Like, yeah, the pictures online look great, but what about when you get there and you're like, well, that is not what this looks like. Like, this is like, we had this the other day. Like, I was gonna plan this trip to like the Children's Museum and on our way down to Florida, we stopped in Chattanooga. Well, online it looks great. Well, when you get there, it looks like something for toddlers. Like, my 11 -year -old would have been bored out of his mind, right? So.

But I didn't, right? I was in a mindset of like, I'm not gonna plan anything, we're just gonna go with the flow. And that was such a better idea for us. So maybe the pictures online aren't gonna do it justice. Maybe wait and see how you're gonna be feeling in the morning. Maybe your energy just needs a pull day. And so why not make your vacation based on how you feel for the day? Just wait and see. Not only in vacation, but in your day -to -day life. I've added this mentality.

Jill O'Boyle (17:42.584)
more and more and I can tell you it's just been life -giving. Like instead of worrying and filling my days with excessive plans, plus a black -up plan, right? Because you know, if plan A falls apart, we gotta have plan B and then plan C after that. Like, no. Like now I've adopted this new sense of if it's meant to be, it'll be, right? If it's supposed to work out, it's all gonna work out. If not, it doesn't.

and something far better is gonna come. Like that's what it's been awesome lately is when I've started to adapt this wait and see mentality and when I've started to be like, you know what, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. What I'm finding is something better is coming behind that I couldn't have ever, ever imagined or dreamed of, but somebody else higher than me was like, just wait it out Jill, because I've got something coming. So this, a perfect example of this happened on our trip.

And so, like I said, I went in with the trip with like, we don't know. Like one of our friends even asked us like, so what do you got planned for Florida? And a part of that like high achiever, like mentality of like we've in party planner, I was like, we really don't have anything planned. We're just gonna like wait it out. And like in a hot minute, I was like, oh my gosh, should I be planning? No, I should not. No, I should not. So we adopted that this whole trip. And what happened was my oldest got sick.

on the trip. There was like 24 hours where he caught some bug and oh my gosh, in the past years, Jill would have flipped out. Like she would have been like, oh my gosh, like what the heck? And yeah, I was bummed. Like I was like, oh, this, this kind of is a damper and I feel bad, but hopefully, you know, instead I couldn't control it, right? So I prayed and we, we moved on, but

The funny story of this is, is that again, if I would have had the planner Jill and me and I would have planned it all out, we probably would have had something planned that we paid for that Griffin wouldn't have been able to go on. And then we would have dropped money in the bank, right? Well, we didn't. And so we just altered our plans. Well, my oldest is a baseball lover, lover. Like everywhere we go, he wants to go to a stadium. And we were in the upper part of Florida where

Jill O'Boyle (20:02.552)
you know, spring break training isn't going on. We love to go to those games, but but there was a stadium there and he was adamant about going and checking out the stadium. And when we are in Tennessee, we went and checked out the stadium and we just got lucky that the gate was open and we were able to get in. And so we're like, Griff, you know, we'll drive down there. We'll go check out the stadium. But listen, buddy, you're probably not going to be able to get in. We're going to probably have to look like over the fence.

But we'll go, right? And then we even added some like wagers on there. We're like, we bet you $50 we won't get in. And Griffin's like, I'll take that bet. We're gonna get in, right? Like his mindset was like, this is just destined to be. Like I wasted a whole day in bed and I'm gonna have a good day today. Well, sure enough, we get to the stadium and we're just like walking by, we're like checking it out.

And the operations director comes out and he's like, Hey, you guys looking to buy like tickets for the upcoming season? And we're like, Oh no, we were just like, you know, wanting to check this out. Our boys are both travel baseball guys. I love baseball, love checking out stadiums. And he was like, well, come on in. And let me tell you, we didn't just see the stadium. We like saw the stadium. Like we like sat in the dugout where the, um, Oh, what are they called? Blue Wahoos.

was the stadium that we were at, where the players sit in the dugout, you guys. Like I have pictures of my kids in the dugout. Then he's like, well, let's go check out the locker room. Like, I don't even know if we're allowed to be in here, but we're going to sneak in here with you guys. So my kids like both got to go into the locker room. They both found their own baseball number, got pictures of the Blue Wahoos players locker with their numbers, went and got.

on the field, stood on the field. Then to top it off, the guy comes back, brings my kids baseball, brings my kids baseball bats of, you know, they were kind of like chip broken bats of like the last, the players, bats that have their names on them, like all for free, free. So incredible day. Like, of course that was like for my, I think both boys, but definitely my oldest boys, like highlight of the trip.

Jill O'Boyle (22:25.954)
And I tell you that story, right? Because that is totally adopting the wait and see mentality. Like, and I was kind of like, we're not going to get in here, but we'll, we'll see, buddy. We'll still go and we'll check it out. And. Mind blown. Like we just experienced like the best tour we could have ever got for free. So amazing what can happen when you just let things go, realize that everything's going to be happening for you.

and go with the flow, right? So that was the first thing that happened. And the second thing, decision that I think you need to adopt if you're a person like me who has in the past struggled to just relax on vacation or just struggled, you know, in general with just planning everything of your life.

is the second thing that I embraced on vacation was you time, me time, right? Like for me, I always want to please my kids. Like I definitely want to ensure that my kids are always having a good time. But this vacation is as much for you as it is for your kids. And so our job as parents isn't always to please our kids. Like we're really not doing them,

justice if we're always, always, always trying to please our kids. But although I think many of us do, and as I said, like this is still definitely a work in progress for me. But I'm learning that the more that I fill my cup up, the more present, the more free my mind is to be a better parent. And so I've got to learn to let go of the guilt and pleasing mentality that I should only take like

X amount of time and then get back to the family. Right. Like instead. I'm learning to embrace this and this is something that again on this trip I definitely embrace is that I will take my morning time like I will have time for just me to take in the views and have my coffee time or read a sit on the balcony and read a book go walk on the beach take time to exercise on vacation.

Jill O'Boyle (24:53.976)
And of course, of course have a spa day, right? I mean, every lady needs a spa day on vacation. And that's always a part of my vacation. But on this trip, I booked the 50 minute spa appointment and then I took another hour after that appointment to just enjoy alone time with me. Like time to just let me truly unwind.

And so after I got done with the spa, I went and sat in the hot tub for a little bit. I went and sat in the sauna. I took a little walk to the local resort coffee shop, got myself a yummy latte and indulged on that for a minute. And then took a few detoured steps to soak in the views before returning back to the condo. And...

I was revived, right? That two hours was time for me to unwind, right? It was towards the end of our trip and I wanted just time to reflect and have me time. And we all need that. We all need our own time to fill our own cup up. And honestly, when we do that, we're doing a, we are bettering our parenting, our family time. We're not as edgy because we've now filled ourselves up. So.

Having you time, me time is important, not only on your vacation, but honestly every day. And so that's also a decision that when I think back four years ago to now, like that's been a game changer in my life. And so every day, every morning, I make a morning routine. I have 30 minutes to an hour that's set aside for me before my household wakes up to either dive into a good book, to dive into God's word.

to listen to an encouraging and motivating podcast, to listen to music, to just pray and meditate, like whatever I need for that day, and it changes every day. But I make sure whatever it is I need, I fill it up early in the morning. And sometimes that's a good exercise, right? Get it done and out of the way first. So, highly encourage you to do that as well. That's number two on my decisions that will be like forever a game changer on my vacation is,

Jill O'Boyle (27:17.43)
Add in the extra me time and then also as a life hack, make sure you're adding that in every day for yourself as well. Okay, and then the third one. The third one is a recent change in my life and I am seeing tremendous benefits from it. And I would never have thought that I would ever have a vacation without it.

And the third one is go booze free. I know, I know you wine lovers are like, what? I can not unwind without a glass of wine. So hear me out on this one. So beginning of this year, my husband and I decided to do dry January. I think a lot of people do that, right? And we kind of immediately kind of sensed like we felt different.

Like not a huge thing. I think 30 days it's hard to like really understand, but like we were willing to say like, let's let's keep this going. Let's like, let's just get curious with it and let's just try it out. And so by month two, I could definitely see a difference in just a lot of things in our household and our family life with me personally. Like earlier I talked about clear mind, like waking up and having just a clear mind, like not fuzzy.

not lethargic, like ready to just tackle the day, the week. And so on this vacation, I replaced the alcohol with a non -alcoholic beverage and the side effects was tremendous. So like I said, for years, alcohol was a constant companion on my vacations. Like I felt that it was a need.

Like that I must have it in order to unwind or to take the edge off. But I've come to realize that I don't need alcohol to have a good time and I don't need alcohol really to relax either. Like in fact, cutting out alcohol has allowed me to truly connect more with myself and my surroundings on a deeper level. And so.

Jill O'Boyle (29:34.168)
When I say that I woke up every day feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to seize the day, like I'm not lying. Like my head wasn't foggy. Like I wasn't reaching for the 10 a .m. mimosa or Bloody Mary or the hair of the dog, right? Like how many of you have been on vacation? You're like, oh my gosh, like that was fun. But now I need I need Advil or something ASAP, right? Like.

No, like my vacation was so different. Like I was alive and it felt amazing. And I actually worked out on my vacation. Like I actually got up and was rested. So I was up at six thirty and I was ready to like go and just get my workout in so I could feel good. Like I always packed the workout clothes before. Like they were always in my suitcase. But if I'm going to be honest, I never worked out on my past vacations, like outside of like walking.

on the beach maybe, right? But I got up, I was able to watch the sunrise come up, I got my workout in, like, it was great. And so I'm not trying to push this on you, but I am just trying to give you three decisions that were just, that have been life changing for me. And to be honest, like the alternative options to drinking are actually incredible. I'm not gonna lie, like,

When I first started this journey, I was like, oh my gosh, like, I don't know. Like there's probably nothing out there. I'm going to have to just drink water or coffee, but let me tell you, I'm going to give a high five to Corona because their NA options tastes just like the regular Corona. I mean, if you blindfolded me, I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. And then Sam Adams, if you're an IPA lover, like go get Sam Adams, just the haze. That's my go -to. Like pour it in a frosted mug.

Amazing. So this has been probably one of my biggest mindset shifts that I've had to make. Because alcohol has been a part of my life for like a long time. And for me, I wouldn't say I've ever been addicted to alcohol. Like I can have a glass of wine and not have and that's it. Like I can, I can stop, right? So I don't wouldn't say I've ever had an alcohol problem, but I like to have it.

Jill O'Boyle (31:56.633)
And for me, it's what I've come to realize is I have a social addiction to alcohol. Like in order for me to have fun, I must drink is what my mind says, but that's not true. Like I'm a pretty good time, if you know me, I'm pretty good time with or without booze and I'm enjoying it even more now that I can truly remember everything that happened.

on my vacation or that night or in the moment, like I'm in the moment. I'm not feeling foggy. I don't have low energy anymore. Like it's just a way healthier alternative if you're just really looking to better enhance, you know, all the areas of your life, your relationship, the relationship to yourself, your health, your energy. So if

that's been an area where you feel like maybe you want to give it a try. I would encourage it. I would really encourage it or just add in some of those non -alcoholic alternatives every now and again and just see how you feel. So those three, honestly, were a game changer in the way I vacation. So again, number one, adopt the wait and see mentality.

Number two, add in me time to your trips, your vacations and in your life. And three, try out the booze free option and just see if you see a difference in the way that you feel, the way that your relationships are, your communication, your ability to have a clear mind, see things in a different light. These three decisions.

have honestly been a game changer in my life. It's like I said, the way that I will forever vacation and it's helped me to regain control over my life. So there's no more needing a vacation after a vacation. Like I had the vacation and as the definition said, it was a suspended period of work. I didn't work.

Jill O'Boyle (34:19.224)
I rested and I relaxed and so I adopted that. I have no more anxiety or feelings of FOMO, right? I used to run around like thinking I was gonna miss out on the best band or the best place to eat and we gotta do it all and we have to do it all within these five to seven days or we are gonna miss out. Nope. Instead I gained more. I didn't miss out on anything. Instead I totally soaked in.

every part of that vacation from being present with my children to the remarkable views to just giving my body the rest that it needs. So if you're looking to regain control of your life, I would highly recommend that you implement those three things or start with one. Actually, that's the best way to do it. Anything we are trying to change, we have to do it in small steps.

Our body gets so overwhelmed when we try to make massive changes too fast and what we'll do is we'll end up burning ourselves out and we'll just fall back to our same patterns. So the best advice that I can give you is to say which one of those resonates the most with you? Which one of those do you need the most in your life right now? Do you need that more like wait and see mentality? Can you adopt that right now?

Or are you needing like that me time? Like do you need that desperate like me time? That can be started in such simple steps. Like just taking 15 minutes, 10 minutes in the morning versus 30 minutes to an hour that I recommend. Start small, just start small. And then as you start doing these activities, you're gonna start seeing the benefits immediately. And so you're gonna wanna add more in. But just start with like 10 minutes. Like.

get up and have a quick 10 minute meditation. You can Google those on YouTube. If you've known for a long time that alcohol has been controlling your life, then maybe start small with that. Like maybe incorporate some of these alcohol alternatives like I mentioned. So I would just encourage you to take away, do some time to reflect what is really controlling your life and what are.

Jill O'Boyle (36:33.784)
What's the one decision that you need to make today to enhance your life and gain control? So I would highly recommend any of those decisions into your life. But I would also highly recommend that somebody that is outside of your circle of friends, that is outside of your family zone, an accountability partner,

is always a safe bet as well. Like an accountability partner that can hold your hand and walk through it. And that's what a coach does. And that's what I do with my clients. So for those of you that don't know me, I am an executive coach for high achieving women. And this is what I love to do. I love to help you implement new habits into your life and help you regain control over your life and just take back the life that you were always destined to have and create.

And so I am your accountability partner. I'm your cheerleader. I'm your motivator. I'm your encourager. Like I am here to be by your side, giving you tips and advice to live the life you love. And so I would love to be your coach. And if you are feeling how I had felt just a mere, you know, four to six years ago, I would highly recommend to just take advantage of the free consultation calls that I offer, which are 30 minutes for us to just jump on a call and say, Hey, what's going on? Where can I?

where do you feel like your life is needing direction and guidance? And we can see if that I would be able to help you and support you on that journey. I'm sure I can, and I would love to do so. So if that is something you're interested in, make sure you click the link in the show notes below, free consultation call with Jill and would love to meet you. All right, friends, well, that is it for today.

Again, go out, make it a wonderful day, be you, love life, and rise up friends.

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