Your Life Your Story - RISE UP

Lessons From My Dead Plant: What are You Drowning Out in Your Life?

June 27, 2023 Jill O'Boyle

In this episode I'm sharing a life lesson that I learned from my dead plant.  
I don't know what it is, but I always have the most profound thoughts as it pertains to my not-so green thumb.   

You'll laugh at this funny story, but the takeaway is serious:
How do we realign our life to what matters most?  What have you been waiting for that feels like its taking forever to reach?  Maybe that's a promotion at work, or finding a perfect partner to spend your life with, or welcoming a new baby into your life.  Perhaps the waiting is the most crucial part.  

It's all uncovered in today's episode and you don't want to miss it! 
"He Realigns Before He Assigns."  

Struggling to get it all done, take advantage of my FREE GIFT!

Download the High Achiever Guide to get all your burning questions answered! Learn the practical tools work less, get more done, and find the freedom you've been looking for!
The guide includes answers to some of my most top questions:
·       How do I find more time in my day

·       How do I set clear boundaries and establish a healthy work-life integration?

·       How do I overcome the guilt and fear I have with taking time for me?

·       How do I let go of control and delegate effectively.

Download the High Achiever Guide NOW.

Is coaching the next step for you?  Reach out and let's discuss! 

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Grab a copy of Jill's Co-Author Best Seller Book- Intuitive Goddess by Jill O'Boyle

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